Defend Apalachicola from Oil Drilling

Defend Apalachicola from Oil Drilling

The Apalachicola River is the largest and wildest of Florida's rivers. Its waters support a proud fishing and hunting tradition, and it is considered one of just six major "biodiversity hotspots" in North America.

This river does not belong to an oil company.

Photo: David Moynahan

The Apalachicola River is the largest and wildest of Florida's rivers. Its waters support a proud fishing and hunting tradition, and it is considered one of just six major "biodiversity hotspots" in North America.

This river does not belong to an oil company.

Photo: David Moynahan

image of Defend Apalachicola from Oil Drilling

Oil Company Threatens Florida's Wildest River

Customized emails carry more weight. 

If possible, please rewrite the template to reflect your unique voice. For instance, you could explain why the Apalachicola River and Apalachicola Bay matter to you personally.

If you prefer to email DEP directly, please write to [email protected] and copy [email protected].

Where do you live?

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Email Tips +

Important: Customized emails carry more weight. If possible, please rewrite the template to reflect your unique voice.
  1. The Downriver Project is a coalition of fishermen, hunters, oyster farmers, and faith leaders. If you fit into one of these categories, we recommend mentioning it.
  2. If you have special memories of the Apalachicola River or Apalachicola Bay, consider briefly describing them.
  3. If you are local to Franklin or Calhoun Counties, please say so.
  4. Consider focusing on economic considerations as well as the heritage and traditions of the area.